Steamers, Nebulisers and rest, oh my!
A few times a year I get one of those hacking coughs. We all know that a cough can be super taxing on the voice. It causes swelling, disturbs our sleep and is frankly exhausting.
For the pro voice user or singer who relies on our voice functioning well, it can be incredibly frustrating and we can feel we are letting people down. Not to mention the financial ramifications.
So what can we do?
The human voice is incredibly restorative. If treated well, it can fully recover back to your normal function. There is hope, even if you are struggling now.
Secondly… REST.
Reduce: For me as a mum of two little boys, reducing voice use is really hard. I still need to wrangle them on the school run, at bath time etc. Total vocal rest is difficult. But, non-essential voice use is reducible. so maybe cut back on voice use when possible, not attending social events where we are competing with noise to be heard or being clever about where you stand.
Retreat: Cancel work when you can. I believe we recover quicker when we can hunker down rather than getting through a gig when we are in pain and not even singing at our best. I know this is hard, and sometimes not even possible. WE ARE NOT MACHINES! Humans are beautifully fragile. ‘The show must go on’ is one of the most toxic mantras, IMO.
Refresh: SLEEP! I honestly think the more full nights of sleep you have, the quicker we get back. Lack of sleep always affects my voice function.
And lastly… HYDRATE
There are two types of Hydration: SYSTEMIC and TOPICAL
The voice needs to be hydrated to function well, to have the right about of thin mucus to optimally vibrate. When we are dehydrated it can go thick.
Systemic Hydration is when we drink fluids for hydration. Get that water down you, babe! I’m not going to tell you how much you should drink. We know that every body is different, depending on how active you are, your body size etc. We know that around 2 litres is about right, but listen to your body. (PS tea can hydrate you).
Topical Hydration is when we add water straight to the larynx via inhalation! Having a drink won’t make immediate difference to your voice, it goes down the wrong pipe!
So here is where we get to the good stuff that can make a difference!
Steaming and Nebulising.
There are so many inexpensive ways we can inhale steam… Hot shower, steam room at gym, and even a good old fashioned bowl of boiling water and a towel over your head! All effective and can certainly do the job. If we need to steam our voices when we are on the move, this is trickier…
We can buy Steamers and Nebulisers that are specifically designed for voice users. There are pros and cons for both and I thought I would compile them here so you can make a choice on what best suits you and your needs.
Final thoughts:
Whilst I use both of these products, there are many more on the market, and sometimes a bowl of hot water is best. But PLEASE do not add anything to the water. No oils, decongestant or any other additions. These things can easily aggravate the voice.
Other brands of Nebulizers are available, this is just the one that I use and was recommended to me. There are lots of reviews available.
Happy hydrating friends!